Everything you did revolved around getting that toy - trying to explain to your parents why you needed it - always pointing out when a commercial came on about it - talking about your friends who had just gotten one - even resorting to tears if necessary. You thought about it all the time.
Most of the time you didn't get it and amazingly you didn't die. If you were lucky enough to get that special toy you probably played with it for a short time before it either broke or started collecting dust somewhere.
It amazes me how even after growing up we can still be consumed by wanting something. That thing may or may not be good for us. It may or may not be necessary. It may or may not change our lives. We may really want it or we may only think we want it but yet it consumes us.
Every waking thought becomes about how to get that ______ (you fill in the blank). We find ourselves day dreaming about it. We talk about it - trying to convince ourselves and others how much we need it. Once in a while we are even driven to tears when we can't figure out how to get it.
"I'd rather fight You for something I don't really want, (we think we want it)
than Take what You give that I need" Hold Me Jesus
Why can't we just take what God gives us - after all he knows what we need!
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